Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Day Before The Big Day

All this week has technically been a vacation week for all staff.  It's referred to as Moosecation because it is the final days of the moose hunt and school is put off until that vital chore is finished.  But I have been plugging away in my classroom, a few hours here and a few hours there every day, attempting to get ready for that holiest of holies, at least for teachers, The First Day of School.

Am I ready?  Ready enough.  Do I feel good about my level of preparation?  No, but any good teacher knows they will never be truly ready and if they think they are, they are either fooling themselves or need to retire.  But lockers are assigned (no locks this year, Sixthies, sorry), desks arranged to accommodate my movement throughout the room, tech doesn't work so all my fancy plans are out the window but at least I know that ahead of time and can plan plan plan some more of how to do what I want anyway.

I am lucky that my school day starts so late (teachers report at 8:30) and I live so close.  I figure if I leave the house at 8:28, I will be on time.  No doubt there will be others who will be there at the crack of dawn but I am not them, and those are not my ways.  My first period is a prep so to speak; kids don't show up until 9:20 and classes start at 9:30.  Partly this acknowledges that the sun will not go down until nearly 10 o'clock tonight and no kid wants to go to bed when the sun is still up.  Neither do I but tonight, I might make an exception.

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