Saturday, November 28, 2015

Ice Rink Parking Lot

When the kids say they stayed up late at the ice rink, what they mean is the frozen over area of standing water downtown.  But I have an ice rink closer to home, formerly known as the parking lot.  In the past two weeks, we have had snow, melt, ice, freeze, more snow, more ice, just ice and freezing rain until now the parking lot is socked in with around 3-5 inches of solid ice depending upon where you step. 

Last week, I used a large cardboard box to assist me on the slippery way home after Open Gym and for two days I would not have even made it to school if not for a colleague giving me a ride on his 4 wheeler from my front door to the school front door, a distance of about 100 feet.  I tried every variation of shoe I had.  My rainboots?  Great for slushy snow and indeed are waterproof but no tread deep enough to keep me from flailing around.  My Doc Martens were the same.  I tried to "embrace the slide" and wore my treadless Topsiders but, again, barely made it.  Remember, this is my year to not break a leg so this ice thing is really getting me down. 

The guy with the 4 wheeler showed me his "creepers", a band of plastic spikes that slide with a Velcro strap around the toe of his boot.  I had hoped to avoid buying any until I got them at the awesome surplus store in Portland where I got so much of the other cold weather gear that has served me so well (Yay Andy & Bax!) but I fear I am going to have to buy some here in town first.  Until then, I finally had a moment of inspiration looking at all my leftover cans from my Thanksgiving meal.  So many lids.  So many Amazon boxes.  As I was putting my can opener away, it struck me that I could McGyver some creepers on my own at a minimal of cost to me, the sliding cheapskate.

Here is the result.  Sure, it looks ridiculous but it works.  I got all the way to school today in fewer than five minutes wearing one of these.  The design needs some work but for a short term fix, it'll do.

My creepers showed up and now I am able to cross the ice with no trouble at all.

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